Política de privacidad


The person responsible for the publication of this site www.toubana.com is Carole ADAM (info@deshotelsetdesiles.com) for the company LEADER SARL with capital of € 7,622.45, registered at RCS Paris B339 261 695 code APE 67 08, SIRET 339 261 695 000 29 whose head office is located at 120 rue de la Boétie, 75008 Paris – France, +33 (0) 5 42 56 46 98, info@deshotelsetdesiles.com. Register of tourism operators: IM971120017.

The data and information collected on this site will not be disseminated to third parties. In accordance with the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting the email address info @ deshotelsetdesiles .com. You can also oppose the processing of data concerning you.


This website was produced by the company itself, Des Hôtels & Des Îles.

120, rue de la Boétie, 75008 Paris – France, +33 (0) 5 42 56 46 98, info@deshotelsetdesiles.com.


The service provider providing accommodation is OVH Groupe SAS, a company registered with the Lille RCS under number 537 407 926 located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix. Telephone: 1007. Mail: sales@ovh.net.


This website www.creolebeach.com and its content are governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including for iconographic and photographic documents.


The company LEADER SARL hereinafter referred to under the commercial label “Des Hôtels & Des Îles” is a company incorporated under French law, with capital of € 7,622.45, whose head office is located at 120 Rue de la Boétie, 75008 Paris, registered RCS Paris B339 261 695, SIRET 339 261 695 000 29, CODE APE 67 08.

Financial guarantee with BNP PARIBAS

Professional liability insurance for travel agencies (article R. 212-14 of the TMS Tourism Code

Travel agent registration n ° IM. 971120017

Tour operator license n ° T.

These general conditions are valid from September 20, 2009. This edition cancels and replaces the previous versions.

Article 1. Definitions – Tourist package – Fields of application

1.1 Definitions

The definitions below have the same meaning whether used in the singular or plural.

“La Créole Beach Hotel & Spa” means the hotel owned by the LEADER company

“Hotels and Islands” means the LEADER Company, Service Provider

“Partner” designates all service providers.

“Service” means the tourist packages offered on the site www.deshotelsetdesiles.com

“Site” means the site www.toubana.com

“User” means any user of the Site who browses, takes note of, reserves and / or purchases one or more Services offered on the Site.

  • Tourist package

Constitutes a tourist package within the meaning of these General Conditions, the reservation, offered for an overall price, of a service exceeding 24 hours or including an overnight stay, and combining at least two elements among the following three:

  • A transport or car rental service,
    A tourist service not incidental to transport or accommodation, but representing a significant part of the overall price.

The reservation of tourist packages is governed by Title 1 of Book II of the Tourism Code relating to the organization of the sale of trips and stays.

In accordance with article R. 211-14 of the Tourism Code, articles R. 211-5 to R. 211-13 of the said Code are reproduced below at the end of these General Conditions of Sale.

These provisions are supplemented by the specific conditions of the reservation as made on the site www.toubana.com.

1.3 Scope

These general conditions of use (hereinafter the “General Conditions”) govern the offer and provision of Services.

The reservation of Services is reserved only for Users who have first read the General Conditions in their entirety and who have accepted them by checking the box or clicking on the hypertext link provided for this purpose. Without this acceptance, the continuation of the reservation process is technically impossible.

Consequently, the completion of the reservation process on the Site constitutes express acceptance by the User of these General Conditions.

The specific conditions of the Partners (hereinafter the “Specific Conditions”) are also applicable to the offer and to the provision of the Services, under terms identical to the General Conditions. Acceptance of the Specific Conditions by the User occurs at the time of the actual reservation.

These general conditions of use (hereinafter the “General Conditions”) govern the offer and provision of Services.

The reservation of Services is reserved only for Users who have first read the General Conditions in their entirety and who have accepted them by checking the box or clicking on the hypertext link provided for this purpose. Without this acceptance, the continuation of the reservation process is technically impossible.

Consequently, the completion of the reservation process on the Site constitutes express acceptance by the User of these General Conditions.

The specific conditions of the Partners (hereinafter the “Specific Conditions”) are also applicable to the offer and to the provision of the Services, under terms identical to the General Conditions. Acceptance of the Specific Conditions by the User occurs at the time of the actual reservation.

The General Conditions can be modified at any time, without notice, it being understood that such modifications will not be applicable to reservations of Services made previously. It is therefore imperative that the User reads and accepts the General Conditions when making his reservation, in particular in order to ensure the provisions in force.

Article 2. Reservation

2.1 Capacity – Use of the site

The function of the Site is to assist the User in finding Services in relation to travel and tourism, and to make the appropriate reservations, as well as to conclude any related transaction with the Partners. The User must be at least 18 years of age, be legally capable of contracting and using this Site in accordance with the General Conditions.

Except in the event of fraud, the proof of which is his responsibility, the User is financially responsible for his actions on the Site, in particular for the use that will be made of his User name and password. He also guarantees the veracity and accuracy of the information concerning him provided on the Site.

Use of the Site which would be fraudulent, or which would contravene these General Conditions, will justify the User being refused, at any time, access to the Services offered by deshotelsetdesiles.com and / or its Partners or other functions of the Site.

2.2 Making and canceling reservations

Reservations will only be made by e-mail on the site with concomitant payment of the price by credit card.

No cancellation will be possible, any reservation being firm and final.

Confirmation of the reservation, which includes the essential elements, such as identification of the service (s) reserved and the price, will be sent to the User, by email, mail or fax in a maximum of 1 working day following the reservation date.

2.3 Convening and collecting travel documents

Travel documents issued for a Service ordered via the Site are sent by electronic mail (email) to the address mentioned by the User when booking, according to the provisions for each type of Service accessible on the Site. prior to booking or in the Specific Conditions.

If the delivery of travel documents was made impossible by a mistake on the part of the User in entering their contact details, neither the Partner (s) concerned nor www.deshhotelsetdesiles.com can be held responsible.

2.4 Proof

It is expressly agreed that, unless there is a manifest error on the part of the Partners or Des Hôtels & Des Îles of which the User provides proof, the data stored in the information system of Des Hôtels & Des Îles and / or its Partners have probative force with regard to reservations made by the User. Data on computer or electronic media constitute valid evidence and as such, are admissible under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document drawn up, received or kept in writing.

2.5 Right of withdrawal

The User is informed that, in application of Article L. 121-20-4 of the Consumer Code, the Services offered on the Site by Des Hôtels & Des Îles on their behalf or on behalf of their Partners are not subject to the application of the right of withdrawal provided for in Articles L. 121-20 et seq. of the Consumer Code with regard to distance selling.

Consequently, the Services reserved on the Site are exclusively subject to the cancellation and modification conditions provided for herein and / or in the Specific Conditions of the Applicable Partners.

Article 3. Details of the Services

On the site, some Hôtels & Des Îles offer Travel Services, in particular tourist packages, plane tickets, reservation of hotel services.

accommodation, car rental and travel insurance. Des Hôtels & Des Îles Special Offers are all of the said Services provided directly to Users by Des Hôtels & Des Îles. For all other Services, Des Hôtels & Des Îles acts in the name and on behalf of various Partners (hotel and / or transport service providers, tour operators and travel agents).

The indicative list which follows is not exhaustive and does not replace the Specific Conditions as they appear in the reservation.

3.1 Air transport services

Air transport services are offered as part of a tourist package.

Travel conditions

The conditions for performing air transport are governed by the specific conditions of the airlines or the Partners.

It is the User’s responsibility to comply with the instructions of airlines and Partners, and in particular with regard to the presentation deadlines for check-in. It is recommended that you arrive for check-in at least three hours before the flight departure time for international flights and at least two and a half hours in advance for domestic flights.

The name of the airport, when the city contractually served has more than one, is given for information only and may be subject to possible modifications.

The User’s attention is drawn to the need to provide a sufficiently wide period to take into account possible delays in the event of booking on the Site of a trip including a connection or a transit, in particular when the latter includes a change. airport.

Children under 2 years old do not have a seat on the plane unless the parents ask to pay a full seat especially for them. The User’s attention is drawn to the fact that this provision is only valid on the condition that the children are under 2 years of age throughout the trip, on the date of departure and on the date of return. . In fact, airlines consider that children over the age of 2 on the date of return must take a return ticket at the child rate. The costs incurred by not respecting this rule cannot be reimbursed.

Unaccompanied children under 15 are refused.

Children 15 years of age or over must be in possession of identity papers in their name.


The formalities mentioned on the Site are addressed to nationals of France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland.

If the User is not a national of one of these 4 countries, it is his responsibility to inquire personally and under his sole responsibility of the formalities applicable to his situation.

Between the publication of information on the Site and the date of departure of the User, certain changes are likely to occur. We therefore advise the User to consult the Site just before leaving.

The User is informed on the Site of the administrative and / or health formalities necessary for the execution of the trip. It is up to the User to take cognizance of it. The fulfillment and costs resulting from these police, customs and health formalities required for your trip, such as in particular passport, national identity card, residence card, parental authorization, visa, medical certificate, vaccination record are the responsibility of the ‘User.

We draw your attention to the fact that the regulations of certain countries impose a validity of passports longer than 6 months following the date of return. In addition, children aged 15 or over must be in possession of identity papers in their name.

If, in particular, due to non-compliance with these administrative and health formalities, the User was unable to take the departure on the date indicated, the price paid could in no case be refunded.

In the event of loss or theft of a ticket, the User must make a specific declaration to the police and the airline and acquire another ticket from the issuing Partner, only the Specific Conditions of the Partner concerned may provide for a refund. .

Liability of air carriers

It is recalled that the liability of air carriers is most often limited by national or international law applicable to them, or by their own Specific Conditions. In terms of air transport, an extract of these conditions is given to the User with their ticket.

Electronic ticket

The electronic ticket is an unrealized ticket. When booking such a ticket, the User must go to the check-in counter of the airline concerned, with valid travel documents (passport, visa, identity card, etc.), in order to ” get your boarding pass

is lying. The User must therefore respect the time limits set to present themselves for registration.

3.2 Accommodation and subsistence services

These Services are offered either as accommodation services alone or as part of a tourist package.

Travel time

The day of departure and the day of return from the trip are included in the length of stay. The first and / or the last night may be shortened by a late arrival, an early departure or a night flight.

Possession of rooms

It is reminded that, most often, the rooms are only available from 3 p.m. and that they must be vacated before 12 p.m., regardless of the time of arrival or departure of the means of transport. used.

Single rooms usually have one single bed or two single beds. These rooms are often subject to an additional charge. Double rooms are provided either with two beds or with a double bed.


The indication of the level of comfort attributed to the hotels appearing in the description available on the Site corresponds to a classification established with reference to local standards of the host country, and which may therefore differ from French standards; It is provided for information only. In exceptional cases, the hotel initially booked may be replaced by another hotel of the same category offering equivalent services.


It may also happen that certain activities offered by the Partners and indicated in the description appearing on the Site, are canceled in particular for climatic reasons, in the event of force majeure, of stay outside the tourist season, or when the number of participants required to completion of the activity is not achieved.

The cancellation of any activity for a case of force majeure cannot in any event result in any compensation for the benefit of the User.

Regarding the circuits, the order of site visits is given as an indication and may possibly be modified by the Partners.


When meals are included in the tourist package, their number depends on the number of nights. Full board includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Half-board includes breakfast and either lunch or dinner depending on the packages. Full board and half board begin with the meal preceding the first night and end with breakfast following the last night of accommodation.

It is recalled that, unless otherwise stated in the description of tourist packages on the Site, drinks are not included in meals and are the responsibility of the User. In the absence of drinking water, the expenses of purchasing water bottles are the sole responsibility of the User.

Parents are encouraged to take food suitable for their babies that they will not always find on site.

3.3 Vehicle rental services

The provision of vehicle rental services is governed by the specific conditions of the Partners.

Payment terms

When taking possession of the vehicle, the main driver must present himself with his bank card.

In addition, a pre-authorization request corresponding to the security deposit is made by the Partner with the User’s bank. The User must therefore contact their bank to find out their spending limit, to which this pre-authorization is charged.

If the User does not comply with the above rules, the Partner will not return the vehicle to him.

The User must check in the Specific Conditions of the Partner, the bank cards that are accepted by the Partner, certain cards such as Electron cards not being accepted.

Additional charges

For vehicle rentals made in certain countries, some Partners automatically charge for a full tank of gasoline when the vehicle is returned, if this has not been completed by the user before returning the vehicle.

The User has the obligation to return the vehicle to the same agency as the one in which he took possession, failing which, the Partners charge additional costs called “Abandonment costs”.

3.4 On-site activities

The reservation of “On-site activities” services alone is governed by the Specific Conditions of the Partners.

These services are neither transferable, nor modifiable, nor refundable.


The descriptions of the Services presented on the Site specify those which in the “On-site activities” are included in the price mentioned. Prices are indicated in Euros and are generally understood to include all taxes, unless otherwise stated on the Site.

Article 4. Price

The descriptions of the trips presented on the previous Site

are, for each trip, the services included in the price. Prices are indicated in Euros and are understood to include all taxes, unless otherwise stated on the Site.

It is recalled that certain additional taxes II (tourist tax, tourist tax, or visa) may be imposed by the local authorities of certain States and must be paid on site. These additional taxes, when they exist, are the responsibility of the User.

The prices of tourist packages are calculated according to the number of nights and not the number of full days.

In general, and unless expressly stated otherwise, are not included in the prices, insurance, airport services, excess baggage charges, transfers from the airport to the place of accommodation, costs visa, vaccination, and all personal expenses (laundry, telephone, drinks, room service, tips, etc.) as well as excursions and use of sports facilities, and more generally any service not expressly mentioned on the Site.

Article 5. Photos and illustrations

The best efforts are made to provide photos and illustrations giving the User an overview of the Services offered. The purpose of these photos and illustrations is to indicate to the User the category of accommodation or the degree of comfort.

Article 6. Insurance

No insurance is included in the prices offered on the Site. Therefore, the User is recommended to take out an insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation and an assistance contract covering certain specific risks, in particular repatriation costs in the event of accident or illness.

To this end, Users are offered various insurance policy formulas, taken out with TMS CONTACT – 110 Avenue de la République – 75545 Paris Cedex 11 under insurance policy No. 1913.

The risks covered by these policies, as well as their cost and the amount of guarantees are indicated on the Site for information only. In the event of taking out an insurance contract, the insurance policy will be given to the User.

Claims are made, in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract, directly with the insurance company.

Article 7. User service and complaints

7.1 User service

The User can contact Des Hôtels & Des Îles during the reservation process for Services to obtain assistance, information and details on the purpose and conditions of the reservation he is making:

– either by telephone under the number: 00 (33) 01 42 56 46 98,

– or by email: info@deshotelsetdesiles.com

The personal data communicated by the User to Des Hôtels & Des Îles is intended for Des Hôtels & Des Îles and its subcontractors established in or outside the European Union for the purpose of processing the User’s request by the services of Des Hôtels & Des Îles and, unless the User objects to Des Hôtels & Des Îles to inform him of the products and services of the Des Hôtels & Des Îles group. In this regard, Des Hôtels & Des Îles is likely, in its capacity as a member of the Des Hôtels & Des Îles group, to send the User information enabling him to know and better use his Site, to provide him with the benefit of promotional offers posted on this Site and to provide it with offers from its Partners. Where applicable, offers from Partners of Des Hôtels & Des Îles can only be sent to the User by SMS or e-mail subject to his prior consent, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 “for confidence in the digital economy “, of law 78-17” data processing and freedoms “amended by law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, and in accordance with the Des Hôtels & Des Îles confidentiality charter appearing on the Site.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, the User has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him at any time. He may exercise this right by sending an e-mail from the “Contact” section of the Site or by sending a letter to Des Hôtels & Des Îles: 120 Rue de la Boétie – 75008 Paris, subject to proving his identity.

7.2 Complaints department

Any request for information, clarification and possible complaints must be addressed to Des Hôtels & Des Îles, which collects it in the name and on behalf of the Partners, within 30 days of the end of the stay:

Or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to Des Hôtels & Des Îles: 120 Rue de la Boétie – 75008 Paris
Or by fax to the following number: 00 (33) 1 45 61 46 29
Or by e-mail to the following address: info@deshotelsetdesiles.com

Complaints will only be accepted

insofar as the difficulties to which they are the subject will have been reported to Des Hôtels & Des Îles or to the Partner during the trip so that an attempt can be made to remedy them so that the damage suffered by the User.

No claim will be accepted for loss (s), damage (s) or theft (s) of luggage, clothing or personal items placed under the supervision of the User during the stay, except proven fault of Des Hôtels & Des Îles or its Partners. Baggage checked in with an airline is only insured for the duration of transport.

Article 8. Responsibilities and guarantees concerning the use of the site

No guarantee is given to the User with regard to:

The absence of anomalies, errors and bugs likely to affect navigation on the Site or the implementation of any functionality offered on the Site; or from
The possibility of correcting these anomalies, errors or bugs; or from
The absence of interruption or breakdown in the operation of the Site; or from
The possible compatibility of the Site with a particular equipment or configuration.

Under no circumstances will Des Hôtels & Des Îles be liable for direct or indirect and / or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable damage (including loss of profits or of a chance …) arising from the supply and / or use or the total or partial inability to use the features of the Site.

The hypertext links on the Site allowing the User to be referred to other websites are intended only to facilitate the User’s research.

In any event, the User declares that he is aware of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, in particular its technical performance, response times for consulting, interrogating or transferring data and the risks related to the security of communications.

Article 9. Intellectual property

9.1. General

The Site, its content and all the elements constituting it, are creations for which companies of the Des Hôtels & Des Îles group and / or, where applicable, Partners, hold all the intellectual property rights and / or exploitation rights, in particular under copyright, database law, trademark law, and design law.

The Site, as well as the software, databases, texts, information, analyzes, images, photographs, graphics, logos, sounds or any other data contained on the Site remain the exclusive property of companies in the Des Hôtels & Des Îles group and / or Partners or, where applicable, their respective owners with whom they have entered into user agreements.

The User is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable and private right to use the Site and the data contained on the Site. The right thus granted consists of (i) a right to consult online the data and information contained on the Site and (ii) a reproduction right consisting of printing and / or saving the data and information consulted. This right of use is understood only for strictly private use.

Any other use of the Site, in particular commercial, by the User is prohibited. The User is particularly forbidden, in a non-exhaustive manner, to reproduce and / or represent for any use other than private, sell, distribute, issue, translate, adapt, disseminate and communicate in whole or in part in any form whatsoever any element , information or data from the Site.

In addition, the User is prohibited from entering, by any means whatsoever, data liable to modify or affect the content or presentation of the Site.

Any hypertext link to the Site, regardless of the type of link, must be the subject of prior authorization from Expedia, acting in the name and on behalf of the holder of the right concerned, on paper or electronically.

9.2. Software

The use of any software downloaded from the Site allowing access to certain Services or features is governed by the terms of the accompanying license. The User agrees not to install, copy or use this software before having first acquiesced to the terms of said license.

For any software not accompanied by a license, the User is granted the right to temporary, private, personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive use of this software in order to be able, to the exclusion of any other use, to access the Services and functions which make the use of this software necessary. By installing or using the software, the User agrees to comply with this condition.

Article 10. Protection of personal data

The information provided by the User on the Site is used to process and execute reservations.

The chart

of confidentiality available on the Site sets out all the provisions relating to the protection of personal data. In the event of any contradiction between these T & Cs and the Privacy Policy, the latter will prevail.

In accordance with article 32 of the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 amended by Law 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, the information essential to process and execute reservations is indicated by an asterisk on the pages of the Site.

Other requests for information requiring an optional response, or information relating to the User’s interest in offers that may be sent to him, are intended to get to know him better and to improve the services offered to him.

Unless the User objects, Des Hôtels & Des Îles may be required to communicate this optional information concerning the User to companies in its group, including outside the European Union and particularly in the United States. The User expressly consents to this transfer.

Des Hôtels & Des Îles may send the User by any means (electronic, paper, sms, etc.) information allowing him to better know and better use their respective sites, to allow him to benefit from the promotional offers disseminated. on these sites and to offer it offers from their Partners, in strict compliance with the provisions of the law “for confidence in the digital economy” and the amended law “Informatique et Libertés”, subject to prior consent or the opposition of the User, according to the cases referred to in the Confidentiality Charter appearing on the Site.

In addition, Des Hôtels & Des Îles transmits to its insurer information relating to the User’s reservation. This transmission enables Des Hôtels & Des Îles to fight against credit card fraud.

The occurrence of an unpaid due to fraudulent use of a bank card will result in the registration of the contact details in connection with the reservation of the User who is at the origin of this unpaid in an incident file of payment implemented by the insurer and placed under its responsibility.

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended, the User has the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him at any time. He can exercise this right by sending an e-mail from the “Contact” section of the Site or by sending a letter to Des Hôtels & Des Îles – 120 Rue de la Boétie – 75008 Paris, subject to proving his identity.

Article 11. Applicable law

The contract between www.toubana.com and the User under French law is expressly subject to French law.

Any dispute relating to its interpretation and / or its execution comes under the jurisdiction of the French Courts.

Article 12. Reproduction of articles R. 211-5 to R. 211-13 of the Tourism Code

“Art. R. 211-5. – Subject to the exclusions provided for in the second paragraph (a and b) of Article L. 211-8, any offer and any sale of travel or holiday services give rise to the delivery of appropriate documents that meet the rules defined by this title. In the event of the sale of air tickets or tickets on a regular line not accompanied by services related to such transport, the seller delivers to the buyer one or more tickets for the entire trip issued by the carrier or under its responsibility. In the case of transport on demand, the name and address of the transporter, on whose behalf the tickets are issued, must be mentioned. The separate invoicing of the various elements of the same tourist package does not exempt the seller from the obligations made to him by this title.

Art. R. 211-6. – Prior to the conclusion of the contract and on the basis of a written medium, bearing his company name, his address and the indication of his administrative authorization to exercise, the seller must communicate to the consumer information on prices, dates and the other elements constituting the services provided during the trip or stay, such as: 1) The destination, means, characteristics and categories of transport used; 2) The type of accommodation, its location, its level of comfort and its main characteristics, its approval and its tourist classification corresponding to the regulations or customs of the host country; 3) Meals provided; 4) The description of the itinerary in the case of a circuit; 5) The administrative and health formalities to be carried out in the event, in particular, of crossing borders as well as their completion deadlines; 6) Visits, excursions and other services included in the package or possibly available at an additional cost; 7) The minimum or maximum size of the gro

upe allowing the completion of the trip or stay as well as, if the completion of the trip or stay is subject to a minimum number of participants, the deadline for informing the consumer in the event of cancellation of the trip or stay; this date cannot be set less than twenty-one days before departure; 8) The amount or percentage of the price to be paid as a deposit at the conclusion of the contract as well as the schedule for payment of the balance; 9) The price revision methods as provided for in the contract in application of article R. 211-10; 10) Cancellation conditions of a contractual nature; 11) The cancellation conditions defined in articles R. 211-11, R. 211-12 and R. 211-13; 12) Details of the risks covered and the amount of guarantees taken out under the insurance contract covering the consequences of the professional civil liability of travel agencies and the civil liability of associations and non-profit organizations and local organizations of tourism; 13) Information concerning the optional subscription to an insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation or of an assistance contract covering certain specific risks, in particular repatriation costs in the event of an accident or sickness.

Art. R. 211-7. – Prior information given to the consumer binds the seller, unless the seller expressly reserves the right to modify certain elements in this information. The seller must, in this case, clearly indicate to what extent this modification can occur and on what elements. In any event, changes to the prior information must be communicated in writing to the consumer before the contract is concluded.

Art. R. 211-8. – The contract concluded between the seller and the buyer must be in writing, drawn up in duplicate, one of which is given to the buyer, and signed by both parties. It must include the following clauses: 1) The name and address of the seller, its guarantor and its insurer as well as the name and address of the organizer; 2) The destination or destinations of the trip and, in the event of a split stay, the different periods and their dates; 3) The means, characteristics and categories of transport used, the dates, times and places of departure and return; 4) The type of accommodation, its location, its level of comfort and its main characteristics, its tourist classification by virtue of the regulations or customs of the host country; 5) The number of meals provided; 6) The itinerary in the case of a circuit; 7) Visits, excursions or other services included in the total price of the trip or stay; 8) The total price of the services invoiced as well as an indication of any possible revision of this invoicing by virtue of the provisions of article R. 211-10; 9) Indication, if applicable, of fees or taxes relating to certain services such as landing, disembarkation or embarkation taxes in ports and airports, tourist taxes when they are not included in the price of the service (s) provided; 10) The schedule and terms of payment of the price; in any case, the last payment made by the buyer cannot be less than 30%. 100 of the price of the trip or stay and must be made when handing over the documents enabling the trip or stay; 11) The Special Conditions requested by the buyer and accepted by the seller; 12) The terms according to which the buyer can submit a complaint to the seller for non-performance or poor performance of the contract, a complaint which must be sent as soon as possible, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the seller, and reported in writing, possibly, to the travel organizer and the service provider concerned; 13) The deadline for informing the buyer in the event of cancellation of the trip or stay by the seller in the event that the completion of the trip or stay is linked to a minimum number of participants, in accordance with the provisions of 7 ) of article R. 211-6; 14) Cancellation conditions of a contractual nature; 15) The cancellation conditions provided for in articles R. 211-11, R. 211-12 and R. 211-13; 16) Details of the risks covered and the amount of guarantees under the insurance contract covering the consequences of the seller’s professional civil liability; 17) Information concerning the insurance contract covering the consequences of certain cases of cancellation taken out by the buyer (policy number and name of the insurer), as well as those concerning the assistance contract covering certain specific risks, in particular repatriation costs in the event of accident or illness; in this case, the seller must give the buyer a document specifying at least the risks covered and the

risks excluded; 18) The deadline for informing the seller in the event of transfer of the contract by the buyer; 19) The commitment to provide, in writing, to the buyer, at least ten days before the date scheduled for his departure, the following information: a) The name, address and telephone number of the local representation of the seller or, failing that, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of local organizations likely to help the consumer in the event of difficulty, or, failing that, the telephone number allowing urgent contact to be established with the seller ; b) For trips and stays of minors abroad, a telephone number and an address allowing direct contact with the child or the person responsible for their stay.

Art. R. 211-9. – The buyer can assign his contract to a transferee who fulfills the same conditions as him to make the trip or stay, as long as this contract has not produced any effect. Unless stipulated more favorable to the transferor, the latter is required to inform the seller of his decision by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt at the latest seven days before the start of the trip. In the case of a cruise, this period is extended to fifteen days. This transfer is under no circumstances subject to prior authorization from the seller.

Art. R. 211-10. – When the contract includes an express possibility of price revision, within the limits provided for in article L. 211-13, it must mention the precise methods of calculating, both upward and downward, price variations , and in particular the amount of transport costs and related taxes, the currency or currencies which may have an impact on the price of the trip or stay, the part of the price to which the variation applies, the price of the currencies used as reference when establishing the price appearing in the contract.

Art. R. 211-11. – When, before the buyer’s departure, the seller is forced to make a modification to one of the essential elements of the contract such as a significant increase in the price, the buyer may, without prejudice to recourse for compensation for any damage suffered, and after having been informed thereof by the seller by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt: – either terminate his contract and obtain immediate reimbursement of the sums paid without penalty; – or accept the modification or the replacement trip proposed by the seller; an amendment to the contract specifying the modifications made is then signed by the parties; any reduction in price is deducted from any sums still due by the buyer and, if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the overpayment must be returned to him before the date of his departure.

Art. R. 211-12. – In the case provided for in article L. 211-15, when, before the buyer’s departure, the seller cancels the trip or stay, he must inform the buyer by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt; the buyer, without prejudging recourse for compensation for any damage suffered, obtains immediate reimbursement from the seller without penalty of the sums paid; the buyer receives, in this case, an indemnity at least equal to the penalty that he would have borne if the cancellation had been made by him on that date. The provisions of this article do not in any way preclude the conclusion of an amicable agreement having as its object the acceptance, by the buyer, of a substitute trip or stay proposed by the seller.

Art. R. 211-13. – When, after the buyer’s departure, the seller is unable to provide a major part of the services provided for in the contract representing a significant percentage of the price paid by the buyer, the seller must immediately take the following measures without prejudging remedies for damages that may have been suffered: – either offer services to replace the services provided, possibly bearing any additional cost and, if the services accepted by the buyer are of inferior quality, the seller must reimburse him, as soon as his return, the price difference; – or, if he cannot offer any replacement service or if these are refused by the buyer for valid reasons, provide the buyer, at no additional cost, with tickets to ensure his return in conditions which may be considered equivalent towards the place of departure or towards another place accepted by both parties. “

Article 13. Final provisions

The fact that Des Hôtels & Des Îles does not take advantage, at a given time, of one of the provisions of the General Conditions may not be interpreted as a waiver by itself to subsequently avail itself of one of these provisions.

In the event that one of the provisions of the General Conditions is declared null or of no effect, this provision will be deemed unwritten, without

this does not affect the validity of the other provisions, unless the provision declared null or of no effect was essential and decisive.

Any case of force majeure suspends the obligations hereof affected by the case of force majeure and exonerates from all liability the party who should have performed the obligation thus affected.


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A Cookie is a small text file saved in a dedicated space on the hard drive when viewed on the Internet via your browser. It allows its issuer to identify your computer during the period of validity or registration of the Cookie.

The Cookies that we issue are used for the purposes described below, during the validity period of the Cookie concerned, subject to your choices resulting from the settings of your browser used during your visit to the Site and the settings of which you can modify at any time.

Cookies from partner companies (third-party cookies) may be placed on your computer via the pages of the Site or via content disseminated in advertising spaces. Only the issuer of a Cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained therein.

Different types of cookies are used on the Site, they have different purposes. Some are necessary for your use of the Site. We thus use Cookies to determine your country, your geographic area, your IP address and your currency to offer you services adapted to your region or to display prices on our site in the most appropriate currency.


Commitment to the protection of privacy

The laws relating to the protection of personal data change as of May 25, 2018 within the European Union.

As part of this we are updating our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. We draw your attention here to the right you have over the personal data that we collect and use. You can thus, at any time, decide to modify or delete the information that you share with us.

Personal data (eg email, name, etc.) is information collected on our site, in the hotels of the Leader Hôtels group or transmitted by our external service providers (booking engines, etc.) which identify you as a natural person.

This personal data protection policy is part of the general conditions which govern our hotel services. By accepting our terms and conditions, you expressly accept the provisions of this personal data protection policy.

Our partners and / or subcontractors are to date: Hertz, Fastbooking, PayPal, April, I-planet, Travelport, NP6, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest, Twitter.

We may need to change this privacy policy from time to time. Therefore, we invite you to consult this page regularly.

What personal data is collected?

By browsing our Site, participating in one of our games or arriving at one of the hotels of our hotel chain, you may be required to provide us with personal data directly.

On our Site, mandatory information is indicated by an asterisk as it is essential to process your request. The other information is intended to get to know you better and to offer you appropriate services and / or products. They are optional.

We collect and process in particular your name, first name, email address, address, telephone number, credit card number, IP address, connection data and navigation data. Certain data is collected automatically as a result of your actions on the Site.

Via our partners, in particular by booking a hotel room, a hotel + flight stay or by following us on the various social networks, you are also likely to provide various personal data. In this case, we invite you to consult the confidentiality policy of each of these partners.

Sensitive transactions (bank details, etc.) are transmitted in a secure mode by encryption and authentication algorithms. These secure transactions can be identified by the presence of a closed padlock in most browsers.

More specifically, it is specified that for payment needs, bank details are collected and can be kept by our payment service providers.

However, we do not control all the risks associated with the operation.

of the Internet and draw the attention of Internet users to the existence of possible risks inherent in its use and operation.

The sending of our emailings or newsletters is currently subcontracted with the company NP6. We invite you to consult their confidentiality policy.

What do we do with your personal data?

By subscribing to our newsletter, you agree to benefit from our best commercial travel deals in the islands under the name Des Hotels & Des Iles or that of one of the hotels of our hotel chain.

You are therefore likely to receive:

Our best offers of the week
A special offer for your birthday
Flash sales
Invitations to participate in contests offering stays to be won
Offers for thematic stays such as honeymoon trips, golfing trips, family trips….
Offers for stays concerning a destination …

The personal data collected directly are in no way sold, shared or loaned to other companies outside Des Hôtels & Des Iles and the hotels of the hotel chain. On each of our emailings, you have the possibility to unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom of them.

Data for persons under the age of 18 can only be provided to us by an adult. Please make sure that your children do not send us any personal data without your permission. In the event that such transmission takes place, you can contact us to have this information deleted.

Retention of your personal data

We keep your personal data only for the period necessary for the purposes set out here or in accordance with applicable law.

Security and confidentiality of your personal data

We undertake to take the necessary measures to guarantee the confidentiality of the data and to prevent their disclosure to unauthorized third parties. In the event of a transfer of data to authorized third parties, we take appropriate measures to ensure the security of the sharing of the transfer.

Sharing of your personal data

Your personal data collected by our services may be transmitted to our subcontractors and service providers, located in and outside the European Union, to whom we use as part of the management of your account, the execution of your orders and the provision of services offered via the site.

Your rights over your personal data and contacts

We want you to maintain control over the use of your personal data that we use. You can thus:

Ask us for a copy of the personal information we hold about you;

Notify us of any changes relating to your personal data, or ask us to modify any personal data we hold about you;

In certain situations, we ask us to erase, block or limit the processing of the personal data we hold about you, or to object to particular ways in which we use your personal data.

In certain situations, you can also ask us to send to a third party the personal data that you have transmitted to us.

When we use your personal data following your agreement, you have the right, at any time, to withdraw this agreement according to the laws in force. In addition, when processing your personal data for a legitimate interest or in the public interest, you can opt out at any time that we use your personal data subject to applicable laws.

You benefit, on simple written request, from the right to access and rectify information concerning you. For any request regarding your rights, please send an email to info@deshotelsetdesiles.com or write to us at the following address:

Hotels & Islands

Processing of personal data

120 rue de la Boétie – 75008 Paris – France

The person in charge of personal data is Ms. Carole Adam.

We will process your request in accordance with applicable law.